
My name is Hope and I run.

I’ve heard that the difference between a runner and a jogger is race entry. I decided to start this blog 64 races into my running life and I’m still not sure I’m a runner. But I run.

I created this blog after a fall full of running, which included, but wasn’t limited to, eight consecutive race weekends during which time I ran three full marathons in four weeks. I had a blast, but I still wouldn’t recommend it! I’m lucky enough to live in the DC area, which has a robust running scene, so there’re enough races to fill up all of my weekends. More running, more better!

I’ve run since 2010. In 2011 and early 2012 a variety of factors contributed to a significant weight gain, although I still ran (some) and even hacked my way through my first marathon. In November 2012 I decided to lose the weight. Through good old fashioned diet and exercise I shed 37 pounds and I’m lighter, stronger, and faster now than I ever have been before. I’m more of a top 10-40% midpacker now (depends on the distance and the field). Running is even more fun with my new body.

I titled my blog “Hope Against Hope” because I run to test myself and prove things to myself, not to beat other people. Near the finish line in races I like to pick a few people off if I’ve got something left, and I’ll try and hold someone off if they try and pass me at the very end, but that’s really just to see if I can; finishing in a faster time than others isn’t important to me. I compete against myself.



6 thoughts on “About

  1. Andrew says:

    Runner, Jogger…. there is no difference. And you can even include Athlete in to that bracket. An athlete is a person who is involved in athletics, which involves track and field, long distance, cross-country and road running. You are definitely included in that definition.

    Looking forward to your blog updates.

  2. Frank DuCett says:

    Very inspirational blog, I enjoy your writing.

    From: 70 year old guy, veteran helicopter crew chief, half marathoner

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